Forklift Training Courses
Come get certified and trained for OSHA-Compliant Forklift Training, Forklift Evaluations, or learn Warehousing in the Supply Chain.

Ready to get started?
Select which course you would like to start and fill out the form.
If your company or team needs Forklift Training please select Other Inquiries and we will contact you.
OCTI Courses
Olympic Career Training Institute (OCTI) staff has over 20 years in the logistics experience. We’re dedicated to cross-training students to become career logistics professionals.
OSHA-Compliant Forklift Training
Students receive a 3-year forklift license that is compliant with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178
Warehousing in the Supply Chain
Soft Skills & Workplace Ethics Training / Logistics Industry Training
Forklift Evaluations
Company On-Site Evaluations or at the OCTI Forklift School.
OCTI Reviews
“Absolutely great training institute!”
Absolutely great training institute!! They are very understanding and cooperative! The service was very professional! I left feeling comfortable & confident like never before!! I must say that it was a great experience & that I would recommend anyone to give them a try!!

John Hardy, Student

Olympic Career Training Institute Frequently Asked Question
Have a question about OCTI? Please feel free to look over our frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the particular answer you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us via the button below.
What are the requirements for admission?
Students must be 18 or older with a high school diploma or GED equivalent.
Is the school accredited or authorized?
Olympic Career Training Institute is authorized for operation as a postsecondary educational institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.
Do you help with job placement?
Our success depends on learners’ ability to find employment. To that end, OCTI cultivates relationships with potential employers through our community partner network.
In order to view detailed job placement and graduation information on the programs offered by Olympic Career Training Institute please visit:
How do I apply?
Students interested in attending OCTI need to complete an application and receive class materials. Students must attend a pre-enrollment orientation prior to class enrollment.
Do you offer scholarships or financial aid?
We offer several options for funding education including extended payment plans, scholarships and assistance with application for financial aid for career training loans through Orion Credit Union.
What is the refund policy?
Tuition is fully refundable if withdrawal occurs prior to the start of the course. Tuition refund is reduced in accordance to the amount of time expired and is outlined in the student handbook.
Ready to get started?
Just select which course you would like to start and fill out the form.